🟡 12 weeks of classes
🟡 Real life projects
🟡 Technical interview preparation
🟡 Interview scheduling
🟡 5 Beta launch success stories
🟡 Students from IITs
Upcoming batch launch - Register Now
From nowhere to working with TECH GIANTS
The course curriculum and learning approach are inspiring and job oriented for freshers!
PK University
2020 Batch
This program is a 12 weeks full package for React aspirants.
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
2023 Batch
From HTML basics to React advanced, this course has it all.
VIIT, Pune
2023 Batch
React By TekTitan
Pre placement offer before training
Focused on high package job roles
Industry relevant projects
Weekly assignments
Personalised feedback mechanism
Companies with React job openings
Future of React training and placements is GIGANTIC
About the program
This program is a robust attempt on providing React training with a focus on industry oriented conecpts and requirements. This prepares students for high paying/ rewarding developer jobs in just 3 months.
React Training, Jobs, Placements, & Connecting with companies is ALL WE DO
- History of HTML
- What Is HTML?
- A Basic HTML Page
- HTML Element
- HTML Comment
- Ttitle tag
- Head tag
- Body tag
- HTML Attributes
- Heading tag
- Paragraph
- Anchor tag
- Img tag
- Bold, Italic and underline tag
- Link tag
- br tag
- hr tag
- subscript & superscript tag
- pre tag
- div tag
- span tag
- header tag
- footer tag
- main tag
- article tag
- section tag
- Unordered list
- Ordered list
- table tag
- tr tag
- td tag
- th tag
- form tags
- form Inputs
- form buttons
- Default validations
- audio tags
- video tags
- IDE – Notepad , VS Code
- SEO : What is Search Engine Optimization? Types of SEO , HTML SEO
- Survey Form
- Website Products Display
- Technical Documentation Page
- Student Marksheet Using Tables
- What is CSS?
- Why use CSS?
- The classes and id
- Comments
- color property
- types of color value
- background-color property
- backgrounds-image property
- background-repeat property
- background-size property
- background-position property
- background-attachment property
- background shorthand.
- Opacity, gradients, shadow
- Internal, Inline, External CSS
- developer tools, Variables
- Setting width and height
- Setting margin and padding
- Setting borders
- Margin collapse
- Box sizing
The Display Property
- The display:inline
- The display:block
- The display:line-block
- The text decoration property
- The text-transform property
- The line-height property
- The font-size
- The font-family
- The font-style
- Web safe fonts
- How to add google font
- Generic family
Relative Property
- em, rem,vw,vh,%
- Min/max-height/width property
- The position property
- List style property
- z-index
The Flex container property
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
- flex-flow
- justify-content
- align-items
- align-content
The flex box item property
- Order
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-basis
- flex
- align-self
- Before, After etc
- The Grid-column-gap
- The Grid-row-gap
- The Grid-gap property
- CSS Media Queries.
Transform 2D methods
- Translate()
- rotate()
- scale X()
- scale Y()
- skew()
- matrix()
- scale()
Transform 3D methods
- rotate X()
- rotate Y()
- rotate Z()
Transition property
- transition-property
- transition-duration
- transition-timing function
- transition delay
- The animation-name
- The animation-duration
- The animation-delay
- The animation-iteration-count
- The animation-direction
- The animation-fill-mode
- The animation-timing function
- Drop down menu
- Register form
- Parallax page
- Template page
- Landing page
- History of JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- Why do we use JavaScript?
- The var
- The Let
- The Const
- The Hoisting in js
- Setting width and height
- Setting margin and padding
- Setting borders
- Margin collapse
- Box sizing
- Undefined
- Boolean
- Number
- String
- Bigint
- Symbol
- Arithmetic Operator
- Assignment Operator
- Comparison Operator
- Logical Operator
- Conditional Operator
- String Operator
- if..else
- switch statement
- while loop
- do..while loop
- for loop
- for in loop
- for of loop
- try-catch-finally , then catch
- Function definition
- Calling a function
- Function parameter
- Function arguments
- Function expressions
- Return keyword
- Anonymous function
- Closures
- Default Argument
- Traversal of array
- Searching and filter an array
- How to sort and compare an array
- How to Add, Replace, Insert and Delete element in array
- map()
- reduce()
- filter()
- Object definitions
- Object properties
- Object methods
- Object display
- Object accessors
- Object constructors
- Escape character
- Finding a string in a string
- Searching for a string in a string
- Extracting String parts
- Replacing string content
- The charAt()
- The charCodeAt()
- History of ECMAScript
- What is ECMAScripts?
- Template String
- Rest Operator
- Destructuring
- Object Properties
- Arrow Function
- Spread Operator
- Date methods (Get and Set)
- Time methods (Get and Set)
- parseInt, parseFloat
- setTimeOut()
- clearInterval()
- setInterval()
- clearTimeOut()
- Event Propagation
- Higher Order Function
- Callback Function
- Function Currying
- CallBack Hell
- Light on and off
- Countdown time
- Calculator
- Build to-do-list
- Weather app
- What is React?
- Why React?
- React version
- History How to install React App App?
- Running The App
- Debugging First React App, virtual DOM
- HTML and CSS
- JSX( JavaScript XML)
- Fundamentals of JavaScript and ES6
- Package Manager, module wise css
- What is state and its significance?
- Difference between state and props
- useState hook
- Passing Data to Component using props
- Using React key prop
- Using map Function to iterate on array to generate element
- Map
- Filter
- forEach
- Reduce
- Controlled component
- Uncontrolled component
- Understand the significance to default value props
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM elements
- What are hooks
- Why we need hooks
- Different types of Hooks
- Basic Hooks: useState() , useEffect() , useRef()
- Additional Hooks: useMemo() , UseCallback(), Rules of hooks.
- When to use context
- Create context
- Context.Provider
- What is React Redux?
- Why React Redux
- Install and setup and usage.
- Promises
- Async-Await
- Error Handling in Js
- What is AXIOS?
- Why we need Axios
- How to install Axios
- GET request with Axios
- POST request with Axios
- Delete request with Axios
- Response Object in Axios
- Features Of Axios Library
- Shorthand Methods in Axios
- Conclusion
- Cookies
- Session storage
- Git and CLI( Command Line Interface),
- Basic coding practices
- Fragments
- Validity props using propsTypes ,
- Supplying default values to props using defaultProps.
- Conditional rendering
- Handle errors using error boundaries.
- onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful events in React JS
- Suspense
- Route-based code splitting
- Login form
- To-do-app
- Birthday reminder
- Cart
- E-commerce website
- History of HTML
- What Is HTML?
- A Basic HTML Page
- HTML Element
- HTML Comment
- Ttitle tag
- Head tag
- Body tag
- HTML Attributes
- Heading tag
- Paragraph
- Anchor tag
- Img tag
- Bold, Italic and underline tag
- Link tag
- br tag
- hr tag
- subscript & superscript tag
- pre tag
- div tag
- span tag
- header tag
- footer tag
- main tag
- article tag
- section tag
- Unordered list
- Ordered list
- table tag
- tr tag
- td tag
- th tag
- form tags
- form Inputs
- form buttons
- Default validations
- audio tags
- video tags
- IDE – Notepad , VS Code
- SEO : What is Search Engine Optimization? Types of SEO , HTML SEO
- Survey Form
- Website Products Display
- Technical Documentation Page
- Student Marksheet Using Tables
- What is CSS?
- Why use CSS?
- The classes and id
- Comments
- color property
- types of color value
- background-color property
- backgrounds-image property
- background-repeat property
- background-size property
- background-position property
- background-attachment property
- background shorthand.
- Opacity, gradients, shadow
- Internal, Inline, External CSS
- developer tools, Variables
- Setting width and height
- Setting margin and padding
- Setting borders
- Margin collapse
- Box sizing
The Display Property
- The display:inline
- The display:block
- The display:line-block
- The text decoration property
- The text-transform property
- The line-height property
- The font-size
- The font-family
- The font-style
- Web safe fonts
- How to add google font
- Generic family
Relative Property
- em, rem,vw,vh,%
- Min/max-height/width property
- The position property
- List style property
- z-index
The Flex container property
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
- flex-flow
- justify-content
- align-items
- align-content
The flex box item property
- Order
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-basis
- flex
- align-self
- Before, After etc
- The Grid-column-gap
- The Grid-row-gap
- The Grid-gap property
- CSS Media Queries.
Transform 2D methods
- Translate()
- rotate()
- scale X()
- scale Y()
- skew()
- matrix()
- scale()
Transform 3D methods
- rotate X()
- rotate Y()
- rotate Z()
Transition property
- transition-property
- transition-duration
- transition-timing function
- transition delay
- The animation-name
- The animation-duration
- The animation-delay
- The animation-iteration-count
- The animation-direction
- The animation-fill-mode
- The animation-timing function
- Drop down menu
- Register form
- Parallax page
- Template page
- Landing page
- History of JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- Why do we use JavaScript?
- The var
- The Let
- The Const
- The Hoisting in js
- Setting width and height
- Setting margin and padding
- Setting borders
- Margin collapse
- Box sizing
- Undefined
- Boolean
- Number
- String
- Bigint
- Symbol
- Arithmetic Operator
- Assignment Operator
- Comparison Operator
- Logical Operator
- Conditional Operator
- String Operator
- if..else
- switch statement
- while loop
- do..while loop
- for loop
- for in loop
- for of loop
- try-catch-finally , then catch
- Function definition
- Calling a function
- Function parameter
- Function arguments
- Function expressions
- Return keyword
- Anonymous function
- Closures
- Default Argument
- Traversal of array
- Searching and filter an array
- How to sort and compare an array
- How to Add, Replace, Insert and Delete element in array
- map()
- reduce()
- filter()
- Object definitions
- Object properties
- Object methods
- Object display
- Object accessors
- Object constructors
- Escape character
- Finding a string in a string
- Searching for a string in a string
- Extracting String parts
- Replacing string content
- The charAt()
- The charCodeAt()
- History of ECMAScript
- What is ECMAScripts?
- Template String
- Rest Operator
- Destructuring
- Object Properties
- Arrow Function
- Spread Operator
- Date methods (Get and Set)
- Time methods (Get and Set)
- parseInt, parseFloat
- setTimeOut()
- clearInterval()
- setInterval()
- clearTimeOut()
- Event Propagation
- Higher Order Function
- Callback Function
- Function Currying
- CallBack Hell
- Light on and off
- Countdown time
- Calculator
- Build to-do-list
- Weather app
- What is React?
- Why React?
- React version
- History How to install React App App?
- Running The App
- Debugging First React App, virtual DOM
- HTML and CSS
- JSX( JavaScript XML)
- Fundamentals of JavaScript and ES6
- Package Manager, module wise css
- What is state and its significance?
- Difference between state and props
- useState hook
- Passing Data to Component using props
- Using React key prop
- Using map Function to iterate on array to generate element
- Map
- Filter
- forEach
- Reduce
- Controlled component
- Uncontrolled component
- Understand the significance to default value props
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM elements
- What are hooks
- Why we need hooks
- Different types of Hooks
- Basic Hooks: useState() , useEffect() , useRef()
- Additional Hooks: useMemo() , UseCallback(), Rules of hooks.
- When to use context
- Create context
- Context.Provider
- What is React Redux?
- Why React Redux
- Install and setup and usage.
- Promises
- Async-Await
- Error Handling in Js
- What is AXIOS?
- Why we need Axios
- How to install Axios
- GET request with Axios
- POST request with Axios
- Delete request with Axios
- Response Object in Axios
- Features Of Axios Library
- Shorthand Methods in Axios
- Conclusion
- Cookies
- Session storage
- Git and CLI( Command Line Interface),
- Basic coding practices
- Fragments
- Validity props using propsTypes ,
- Supplying default values to props using defaultProps.
- Conditional rendering
- Handle errors using error boundaries.
- onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful events in React JS
- Suspense
- Route-based code splitting
- Login form
- To-do-app
- Birthday reminder
- Cart
- E-commerce website
- History of HTML
- What Is HTML?
- A Basic HTML Page
- HTML Element
- HTML Comment
- Ttitle tag
- Head tag
- Body tag
- HTML Attributes
- Heading tag
- Paragraph
- Anchor tag
- Img tag
- Bold, Italic and underline tag
- Link tag
- br tag
- hr tag
- subscript & superscript tag
- pre tag
- div tag
- span tag
- header tag
- footer tag
- main tag
- article tag
- section tag
- Unordered list
- Ordered list
- table tag
- tr tag
- td tag
- th tag
- form tags
- form Inputs
- form buttons
- Default validations
- audio tags
- video tags
- IDE – Notepad , VS Code
- SEO : What is Search Engine Optimization? Types of SEO , HTML SEO
- Survey Form
- Website Products Display
- Technical Documentation Page
- Student Marksheet Using Tables
- What is CSS?
- Why use CSS?
- The classes and id
- Comments
- color property
- types of color value
- background-color property
- backgrounds-image property
- background-repeat property
- background-size property
- background-position property
- background-attachment property
- background shorthand.
- Opacity, gradients, shadow
- Internal, Inline, External CSS
- developer tools, Variables
- Setting width and height
- Setting margin and padding
- Setting borders
- Margin collapse
- Box sizing
The Display Property
- The display:inline
- The display:block
- The display:line-block
- The text decoration property
- The text-transform property
- The line-height property
- The font-size
- The font-family
- The font-style
- Web safe fonts
- How to add google font
- Generic family
Relative Property
- em, rem,vw,vh,%
- Min/max-height/width property
- The position property
- List style property
- z-index
The Flex container property
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
- flex-flow
- justify-content
- align-items
- align-content
The flex box item property
- Order
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-basis
- flex
- align-self
- Before, After etc
- The Grid-column-gap
- The Grid-row-gap
- The Grid-gap property
- CSS Media Queries.
Transform 2D methods
- Translate()
- rotate()
- scale X()
- scale Y()
- skew()
- matrix()
- scale()
Transform 3D methods
- rotate X()
- rotate Y()
- rotate Z()
Transition property
- transition-property
- transition-duration
- transition-timing function
- transition delay
- The animation-name
- The animation-duration
- The animation-delay
- The animation-iteration-count
- The animation-direction
- The animation-fill-mode
- The animation-timing function
- Drop down menu
- Register form
- Parallax page
- Template page
- Landing page
- History of JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- Why do we use JavaScript?
- The var
- The Let
- The Const
- The Hoisting in js
- Setting width and height
- Setting margin and padding
- Setting borders
- Margin collapse
- Box sizing
- Undefined
- Boolean
- Number
- String
- Bigint
- Symbol
- Arithmetic Operator
- Assignment Operator
- Comparison Operator
- Logical Operator
- Conditional Operator
- String Operator
- if..else
- switch statement
- while loop
- do..while loop
- for loop
- for in loop
- for of loop
- try-catch-finally , then catch
- Function definition
- Calling a function
- Function parameter
- Function arguments
- Function expressions
- Return keyword
- Anonymous function
- Closures
- Default Argument
- Traversal of array
- Searching and filter an array
- How to sort and compare an array
- How to Add, Replace, Insert and Delete element in array
- map()
- reduce()
- filter()
- Object definitions
- Object properties
- Object methods
- Object display
- Object accessors
- Object constructors
- Escape character
- Finding a string in a string
- Searching for a string in a string
- Extracting String parts
- Replacing string content
- The charAt()
- The charCodeAt()
- History of ECMAScript
- What is ECMAScripts?
- Template String
- Rest Operator
- Destructuring
- Object Properties
- Arrow Function
- Spread Operator
- Date methods (Get and Set)
- Time methods (Get and Set)
- parseInt, parseFloat
- setTimeOut()
- clearInterval()
- setInterval()
- clearTimeOut()
- Event Propagation
- Higher Order Function
- Callback Function
- Function Currying
- CallBack Hell
- Light on and off
- Countdown time
- Calculator
- Build to-do-list
- Weather app
- What is React?
- Why React?
- React version
- History How to install React App App?
- Running The App
- Debugging First React App, virtual DOM
- HTML and CSS
- JSX( JavaScript XML)
- Fundamentals of JavaScript and ES6
- Package Manager, module wise css
- What is state and its significance?
- Difference between state and props
- useState hook
- Passing Data to Component using props
- Using React key prop
- Using map Function to iterate on array to generate element
- Map
- Filter
- forEach
- Reduce
- Controlled component
- Uncontrolled component
- Understand the significance to default value props
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM elements
- What are hooks
- Why we need hooks
- Different types of Hooks
- Basic Hooks: useState() , useEffect() , useRef()
- Additional Hooks: useMemo() , UseCallback(), Rules of hooks.
- When to use context
- Create context
- Context.Provider
- What is React Redux?
- Why React Redux
- Install and setup and usage.
- Promises
- Async-Await
- Error Handling in Js
- What is AXIOS?
- Why we need Axios
- How to install Axios
- GET request with Axios
- POST request with Axios
- Delete request with Axios
- Response Object in Axios
- Features Of Axios Library
- Shorthand Methods in Axios
- Conclusion
- Cookies
- Session storage
- Git and CLI( Command Line Interface),
- Basic coding practices
- Fragments
- Validity props using propsTypes ,
- Supplying default values to props using defaultProps.
- Conditional rendering
- Handle errors using error boundaries.
- onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful events in React JS
- Suspense
- Route-based code splitting
- Login form
- To-do-app
- Birthday reminder
- Cart
- E-commerce website
- History of HTML
- What Is HTML?
- A Basic HTML Page
- HTML Element
- HTML Comment
- Ttitle tag
- Head tag
- Body tag
- HTML Attributes
- Heading tag
- Paragraph
- Anchor tag
- Img tag
- Bold, Italic and underline tag
- Link tag
- br tag
- hr tag
- subscript & superscript tag
- pre tag
- div tag
- span tag
- header tag
- footer tag
- main tag
- article tag
- section tag
- Unordered list
- Ordered list
- table tag
- tr tag
- td tag
- th tag
- form tags
- form Inputs
- form buttons
- Default validations
- audio tags
- video tags
- IDE – Notepad , VS Code
- SEO : What is Search Engine Optimization? Types of SEO , HTML SEO
- Survey Form
- Website Products Display
- Technical Documentation Page
- Student Marksheet Using Tables
- What is CSS?
- Why use CSS?
- The classes and id
- Comments
- color property
- types of color value
- background-color property
- backgrounds-image property
- background-repeat property
- background-size property
- background-position property
- background-attachment property
- background shorthand.
- Opacity, gradients, shadow
- Internal, Inline, External CSS
- developer tools, Variables
- Setting width and height
- Setting margin and padding
- Setting borders
- Margin collapse
- Box sizing
The Display Property
- The display:inline
- The display:block
- The display:line-block
- The text decoration property
- The text-transform property
- The line-height property
- The font-size
- The font-family
- The font-style
- Web safe fonts
- How to add google font
- Generic family
Relative Property
- em, rem,vw,vh,%
- Min/max-height/width property
- The position property
- List style property
- z-index
The Flex container property
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
- flex-flow
- justify-content
- align-items
- align-content
The flex box item property
- Order
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-basis
- flex
- align-self
- Before, After etc
- The Grid-column-gap
- The Grid-row-gap
- The Grid-gap property
- CSS Media Queries.
Transform 2D methods
- Translate()
- rotate()
- scale X()
- scale Y()
- skew()
- matrix()
- scale()
Transform 3D methods
- rotate X()
- rotate Y()
- rotate Z()
Transition property
- transition-property
- transition-duration
- transition-timing function
- transition delay
- The animation-name
- The animation-duration
- The animation-delay
- The animation-iteration-count
- The animation-direction
- The animation-fill-mode
- The animation-timing function
- Drop down menu
- Register form
- Parallax page
- Template page
- Landing page
- History of JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- Why do we use JavaScript?
- The var
- The Let
- The Const
- The Hoisting in js
- Setting width and height
- Setting margin and padding
- Setting borders
- Margin collapse
- Box sizing
- Undefined
- Boolean
- Number
- String
- Bigint
- Symbol
- Arithmetic Operator
- Assignment Operator
- Comparison Operator
- Logical Operator
- Conditional Operator
- String Operator
- if..else
- switch statement
- while loop
- do..while loop
- for loop
- for in loop
- for of loop
- try-catch-finally , then catch
- Function definition
- Calling a function
- Function parameter
- Function arguments
- Function expressions
- Return keyword
- Anonymous function
- Closures
- Default Argument
- Traversal of array
- Searching and filter an array
- How to sort and compare an array
- How to Add, Replace, Insert and Delete element in array
- map()
- reduce()
- filter()
- Object definitions
- Object properties
- Object methods
- Object display
- Object accessors
- Object constructors
- Escape character
- Finding a string in a string
- Searching for a string in a string
- Extracting String parts
- Replacing string content
- The charAt()
- The charCodeAt()
- History of ECMAScript
- What is ECMAScripts?
- Template String
- Rest Operator
- Destructuring
- Object Properties
- Arrow Function
- Spread Operator
- Date methods (Get and Set)
- Time methods (Get and Set)
- parseInt, parseFloat
- setTimeOut()
- clearInterval()
- setInterval()
- clearTimeOut()
- Event Propagation
- Higher Order Function
- Callback Function
- Function Currying
- CallBack Hell
- Light on and off
- Countdown time
- Calculator
- Build to-do-list
- Weather app
- What is React?
- Why React?
- React version
- History How to install React App App?
- Running The App
- Debugging First React App, virtual DOM
- HTML and CSS
- JSX( JavaScript XML)
- Fundamentals of JavaScript and ES6
- Package Manager, module wise css
- What is state and its significance?
- Difference between state and props
- useState hook
- Passing Data to Component using props
- Using React key prop
- Using map Function to iterate on array to generate element
- Map
- Filter
- forEach
- Reduce
- Controlled component
- Uncontrolled component
- Understand the significance to default value props
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM elements
- What are hooks
- Why we need hooks
- Different types of Hooks
- Basic Hooks: useState() , useEffect() , useRef()
- Additional Hooks: useMemo() , UseCallback(), Rules of hooks.
- When to use context
- Create context
- Context.Provider
- What is React Redux?
- Why React Redux
- Install and setup and usage.
- Promises
- Async-Await
- Error Handling in Js
- What is AXIOS?
- Why we need Axios
- How to install Axios
- GET request with Axios
- POST request with Axios
- Delete request with Axios
- Response Object in Axios
- Features Of Axios Library
- Shorthand Methods in Axios
- Conclusion
- Cookies
- Session storage
- Git and CLI( Command Line Interface),
- Basic coding practices
- Fragments
- Validity props using propsTypes ,
- Supplying default values to props using defaultProps.
- Conditional rendering
- Handle errors using error boundaries.
- onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful events in React JS
- Suspense
- Route-based code splitting
- Login form
- To-do-app
- Birthday reminder
- Cart
- E-commerce website
10 placements per batch is our MOTTO!
A technology in demand
A course that prepares
A placement on completion
5 students got placed in our beta launch ALREADY!!